Life has changed. I am learning. For the first time my brain is being challenged, and I am enjoying the true chance to begin a real education.
Doing online school has broadened my understanding of creative writing. I also have learned about really cool concepts in biology. I studied about the shrinking of the Aral Sea in environmental science.
I am with my mom all day and she is making sure I stay on schedule. On my interesting lessons, I can work for hours.
I can do all the work. I had worried that it would be difficult. Olivia is doing the same math that I am doing, which is cool and funny. My only problem is that it takes me a long time to type, especially essays. It is frustrating.
I brim with a desire to learn. Life really is nothing like before. It was like suffering a million shocks of electricity.
The course of my life has been altered. Like a higher power has just been unleashed. My Gram didn't see me find my voice, but I feel like she is the reason I am doing this.
Little by little, I am gaining confidence.
Lights are going off in my head, more like the Aurora Borealis. How beautiful it is to learn. Life is going to be so much better. Living with autism and apraxia is always going to be challenging. I am forever going to need help. But I am not going to be ignored.
I will advocate for myself. Like at church, I told the teacher that I need my mom to go with me to my first confession. I was proud of myself. I am determined to be as independent as possible.